Wednesday, August 17, 2011

When God Changes His Mind, Who Gets Notified?

The subject of this post sounds like it could be about the NAC and Johann Bischoff's utterly failed and disastrous "Botschaft" - but it isn't, it's about weddings and how the "rules" for faithful New Apostolics have changed over the years without any good explanation as to WHY.
Recently the daughter of the "District Apostle" Leonard Kolb was married. Her wedding generated quite a bit of discussion on the NACBoard, partly because of the fact that the wedding was held on the same day as the much-vaunted "Service For The Departed", and also because of some photos that were taken at the reception which showed people engaging in activities that just a few short years ago would have sent every NAC minister running for the exits in order to shun any evil practices (like dancing or drinking) that might sully the blessed event or cast a sinful shadow on God's Blessing™.
A little background information may be in order. In the New Apostolic Church, everything you do in your life is assumed to be under the purview of "The One Who Goes Before You". Haircuts, skirt length, people you date, cars you buy, homes you purchase, jobs you take - all of these things you are expected to bring before your "Bearer of Blessing" ("BoB") so he can give you his Godly Insight and ultimately God's Blessing  - if you do as you're told. Failure to do as you're told shows that your "heart's attitude" isn't right. Here is an example of the kind of control the NAC likes to exert over its members with regard to weddings - this letter is from 2002, so it's less than a decade since this was the law of the land for New Apostolics. Here is an older example from 1991, but it clearly shows that only classical music could be played at the wedding reception, with NO DANCING and NO OPEN BAR.
These are just a few things that were denied "God's Children" (code name for New Apostolics), there were many BoBs who took it upon themselves to enforce even more trivial legalistic things, from songs to be sung to what kind of flowers could be used, completely removing any joy others received on a day that was supposed to be exactly the way they wanted it and imagined it to be. And "District Apostle" Leonard Kolb and his father, retired "Apostle" Kolb (don't get me started on the nepotism aspect of the NAC!) were Holy Enforcers of God's Will. I wonder how many people were told to change plans they had made for their wedding day by these men - "God's Servants". How many bitter tears were cried over hard decisions to be made that were forced on them by men pretending to know the will of an imaginary deity, how many threats were made of a wedding blessing being witheld unless there was total compliance with their edicts? I know plenty of people who were affected, some in my own family.
But just look at the pictures from Kolb's daughter's wedding! Apparently God has finally changed his mind, just in time for Kolb's precious angel to enjoy her special day! Why, even God's "apostles" enjoyed some hooch and cut a rug! The only explanation that makes any sense is that God revealed to his "apostles" that he was no longer displeased with dancing, that Satan had no hold on it. Where just a few years ago drinking and dancing at a wedding reception was just asking for Satan to cast his evil pall over the wedding blessing, God MUST have changed his mind, and somehow he told Lenny that everything that was once verboten was now blessed and holy. Where God previously enabled a European "District Apostle" to interpret scripture (only NAC "apostles" have the authority to interpret scripture - try not to choke to death laughing at that one!), I am left scratching my head wondering where the corresponding interpretation of scripture removing the sin from dancing can be found, and who got this blessed and joyous notification?

Why was dancing displeasing to God for thousands of years, and when did he decide that it didn't displease him any more? What celestial event caused God to change his mind? What words of reason can God offer to all those who were denied the pleasure of dancing for several millenia? Exactly who was told about this change of mind, and how was the message disseminated from on high?
I know I'll never get a satisfactory answer to my questions because deluded, irrational thinking runs rampant in the NAC (as it does in any religion). Yesterday they called something black, today it will be white, it's anyone's guess what it will be tomorrow, but rest assured, anything the NAC "apostles" tell the faithful comes directly from God! And as long as the faithful turn off their brains and blindly follow in lockstep with "Those Who Go Before Them", no hypocrisy will ever be challenged or exposed. Only the bliss and happiness that mindless idiots feel will be their share, which comes from pretending they're doing "God's Will" whenever some hypocrites in black suits tell them so in order to keep the sheep slumbering and distracted, barely noticing when their leaders change God's mind for him.