Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them

A recent post on the NACBoard caught my attention, it being an excerpt from the New Apostolic Church's "Our Family" magazine from the May 2009 issue, "Divine Service in Tule", p. 29 English edition, the NAC's "Chief Apostle" Wilhelm Leber speaking (bolding mine):

"What is even more important is God's promise to hold our right hand and lead us. That is why," said the Chief Apostle, "the question is justified: Do you really allow the Lord to lead you?" As positive examples from the Bible, he spoke of Abraham, Joseph, and Moses, all of who permitted the Lord to lead them. In contrast to this, the Chief Apostle also made reference to Korah and his followers, as well as to the rich young man who could not follow the Lord Jesus.

"From this we conclude that if we
* believe the Lord and trust in His loving care,
* fear him,
* are prepared to serve Him,
* do not oppose those whom the Lord has given us as vessels of blessing, and
* are prepared to follow Him

our life will be blessed and we will ultimately reach the goal of our faith," said the Chief Apostle as he concluded his sermon.

"Do not oppose those whom the Lord has given . . ." - ???

How exactly does one determine whether or not someone was a vessel given by the Lord? Is there an official certificate signed by God himself that would prove such a fantastic claim? Is there a badge given to individuals making the claim that they are "God's Anointed" that would prove their apostolic authority?

I can barely contain my amusement - and annoyance - at the huge set of stones it takes someone (or in the NAC's case, a group of deluded someones) to claim that they and they alone are "God's Anointed", "vessels of blessing" given by God himself that should not be opposed.

What complete and utter nonsense. Liars should be opposed whenever and wherever they are encountered. That's how you stop lies from spreading. That's how you stop insufferable charlatans from convincing people that they're on a mission from God.

Wilhelm Leber (and the rest of the New Apostolic Church's self-appointed "apostles"), unless you can back up your fantastic claims with some actual evidence, do shut up. You mentioned the Band of Korah in your sermon - are you that deluded that you think some kind of punishment will befall those who "oppose" you? What exactly does that mean? Is it considered opposing you to point out the lies you tell to people? Then consider me your opposition.

Any time you'd like to see the "special powers" you think you have in action, you let me know. Critical thinking and verifiable evidence will always overcome the pious lies and superstitious nonsense promoted by delusional charlatans.


  1. Amen, brother. The only ones really on a mission from god are Joliet Jake and Elwood.

  2. How dare you debase the Annointed of the Lord.

    I suspect there is a seat reserved for you in Hell.

  3. good riddance to Michael Kraut. and Erin Wagner & all the other Nazi Assaholics.
